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This project was first created due to frustration with similar projects not working or being extremely inefficient. Rust was chosen as the language to write it in because at the time Rust was going through a revolution in the new-ish feature async-await. This made making multi-threading extremely simple when paired with a runtime like tokio while still giving all the lifetime and other protections that Rust gives. This pretty much guarantees that we will never have crashes due to race conditions. This kind of project seemed perfect, since there is so much asynchronous activity happening and running them on different threads is most preferable. Other languages like Go are good candidates, but other similar projects rely heavily on channels and mutex locks which are cumbersome and have to be carefully designed by the developer. Rust doesn’t have these issues, since the compiler will always tell you when the code you are writing might introduce undefined behavior. The last major reason is because Rust is extremely fast, +/- a few percent of C++ and has no garbage collection (like C++, but unlike Java, Go, or Typescript).